My Plantcentric Journey

Posts tagged ‘Japan’

Watch “”A2″ (TRAILER予告編) documentary about Fukushima children with thyroid cysts and nodules” on YouTube

My Miso Soup

Ever tried Miso soup?  We love it.  Miso is a thick paste made from fermented soy beans.  It’s salty.  I like to describe it as being like a soup base.  It’s been eaten in Japan and China for years.  Now, it’s popular in the West for the health-conscious “because of its many anti-aging benefits. Miso and other fermented foods and drinks help build up the inner ecosystem and assure the digestive tract is amply supplied with beneficial bacteria. These bacteria help digest, synthesize, and assimilate nutrients so necessary for good health and anti-aging. They also strengthen the immune system, keeping it at the ready to fight infection and cancer.

Miso can raise the nutritional value of many recipes”

Learn more:

1 onion, sliced

Any thinly sliced vegetables like carrots, cabbage, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, etc.

2 C. Vegetable Broth

2 T. Miso (I like Westbrae Natural Organic Mellow Brown Rice Miso)

Optional Tofu, organic, non gmo

Optional Shiratake Noodles

Put a little broth into a pot and cook the vegetables until tender over med-high heat.  Add the rest of the broth, the tofu cut into bite-sized pieces and the Shiratake Noodles.  Cook until boiling.  When it reaches a boil, add the Miso and dissolve.  Simmer for 5-10 more minutes.

Enjoy.  Makes 2 servings

Radioactive Bluefin Tuna From Japan Have Arrived

You’ve got to wonder what other seafood is contaminated.  Of course, as usual, the FDA claims it’s safe to eat.  Eater beware.

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